Producer: Get started with Dagens

Here is a more detailed and comprehensive guide to get started with Dagens.

1. Fill out your profile

Show customers who you are by filling out the About section on your profile, update your payment information and Request delivery route to the area you want to sell to.

  1. Explore the Dagens marketplace

Create a customer facing account to see whats on the Dagens marketplace right now. Click on the menue in top right corner, select Switch Roles and then select Create a customer account. Use the search bar to see if there are other producers selling similiar products in your area and at what prices.

3. Add your products

Showcase your key products. You’ll need a photo, price, and basic info. Start with your most popular products.

4. Explore and reach out to customers

Reach customers in your target areas by sharing your webshop and starting orders. Need more customers or regions? Let us know, and we’ll connect you. You can also create accounts on behalf of customers not currently on Dagens.

5. Receive, place and deliver orders

On the order page, you get the overview of all your upcoming orders. You can easily create orders received/arranged outside Dagens. Make sure to mark the orders as delivered right after delivery to activate cash-flow and keep your overview up to date.

6. Understand invoicing, settlements and payments

Delivered orders will be scheduled for invoicing and settlements. This happens every Friday and you'll get paid to your registered bank account 21 days after each settlement. All settlements can be accessed through the order history.

And that's it!

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