Producer: How to get sales through Dagens?

As a producer on Dagens, you drive your own sales — Dagens platform is here to support you! With our sales tools, proactive engagement and strong buyer relationships you can build a thriving sales pipeline.

Some tips to get your sales going

Build an attractive webshop and share regularly

Add a nice profile picture, tell your story and emphasise what makes your produce unique. Create an easily shareable webshop link and share it regularly — I.e. in Social media, weekly newsletters, news articles etc.

Udate your webshop

List all your products and keep them updated

Showcase your full range by listing all your products—even those currently not in season. This not only makes it easier for buyers to find you on the marketplace, but it also highlights the variety you offer and helps buyers plan ahead. Include detailed descriptions and regularly update availability, especially for seasonal items.

Add/update your products

Establish a weekly upselling habit

We recommend setting aside just 30 minutes before harvesting or packing to boost your sales with Dagens’ easy-to-use sales tools, accessible right from your homepage.

1. Top-up orders: Call the customers who ordered and ask if they need more. Adjust the order while customer is on the phone.

2. Remind previous customers: Call or SMS previous customers. Present your produce and ask what they could use from you.

Learn more about the Sales Tools

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